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Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

Our DVA Eagles were honored to join schools nationwide and participate in Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Ruby Bridges lived by the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who taught us to judge people “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” As a young six year old, Ruby’s bravery changed the course of history and stands as a message of hope and strength for us today. DVA Eagles, remember, our character always counts!


We are so proud of these Eagles who were nominated by their teacher for the “RESPECT” Character Award!

Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule
Be tolerant and accepting of differences
Use good manners, not bad language
Be considerate of the feelings of others
Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone
Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements

Way to soar, Eagles!

Annual Food Drive for Yuma Community Food Bank

DVA Eagles:
We did it! Our canned food drive was a huge success, thanks to your generousity!
Each class met their goal of 100 items, and DVA collected at total of 9733 items.
Ms. Angulo’s 4th grade class came out on top, with 1356 items! The Yuma Community Food Bank was thrilled to recieve our donation.
Way to go, DVA Eagles!

First Grade Pumpkin Investigations

By Ms. Damron

First graders at Desert View Academy are spending their current unit learning about different life cycles. So far, they have learned about the life cycles of apples, frogs, sunflowers, and how animals grow from babies. This week, first graders had the opportunity to learn about how pumpkins grow from seed, to vine, to fruit! Mrs. Culpepper with the University of Arizona Yuma County Cooperative Extension made visits to all six classrooms to read a story and complete a life cycle activity.

On Thursday, the six first grade classrooms got to participate in pumpkin investigations. With donations from families and help from parents and teachers, students took time to explore the inside and outside of a pumpkin, count the seeds and ribs, measure the circumference and weight, and even carve their own jack-o-lanterns! Arizona first grade life science standards include learning about the life cycles of plants and animals.