Adventures Are the Best Way to Learn

Last week, our Eagles were welcomed to the Colorado River State Historic Park. They toured the park and learned about the mighty Colorado River’s huge impact on our community. Students were also invited to investigate skull bones and discovered they could learn much about an animal by studying their jaw. Way to go, Eagles!

Readers Become Leaders

Yesterday, members from Cibola’s Student Senate visited our Eagles to promote literacy. The high schoolers not only read to our Eagles but also presented each Eagle with 5 books! Thank you, Cibola, for enriching the lives of our students!

Every pair of sneakers tells a story.

DVA Eagles. Ms. Crowdes, our art teacher, has been integrating art and history in her class for the past couple of weeks. Our Eagles learned the history of how the Chuck Taylor All-Star Sneaker came to be. SNEAK on by during dismissal and take a look!

Why do we give? Because we care!

Today, we were thrilled to host guest speaker Andrea Priest. Her inspiring story showed our Eagles how courage, bravery, and kindness can be used to support others in times of need.

This assembly kicked off our community outreach partnership with Hunter’s Army.

From September 16th to 27th, we will be collecting pennies, nickels, dollars, etc., for Hunter’s Army charity.

All donations go directly to help families battling Childhood Cancer here in Yuma! I can’t wait to see our Eagles soar to the challenge.